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Parish Ministry Associate Convocation
Time & Location
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About the event
Parish Ministry Associate Convocation 2018
Leadership in and Identity of the Church Today
Atonement Lutheran Church, Overland Park KS
On April 20-21, 2018 Parish Ministry Associates, students, and rostered ministers gathered for the annual PMA Convo. Dr. Jacob Goodson, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Southwestern College in Winfield, KS and a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Wichita, KS challenged us with the question: If the ELCA hired the Apostle Paul as a consultant for counsel and guidance on questions concerning the mission and vision of the church in 21st Century America, what would he say to us? Using the book of Ephesians and 1 Corinthians, we were examined our congregations in terms of how they are the presence of God for their people as well as able to articulate a unique identity in their larger communities. Using insights from Bonhoeffer's book, Life Together, Dr. Goodson helped us to think about the role and purpose of the church in these stressful cultural and political times.
In addition, we discussed how our vocations as Christians calls us into partnerships as Parish Ministry Associates, rostered ministers and lay members of congregations as we seek to live out the reality of the priesthood of all believers. The Parish Ministry Education and Associate Program was recently updated to emphasis the two components which are:
Education - in which individuals will receive a certificate of completion
Associate - in which individuals may be commissioned to serve as Parish Ministry Associates in their own congregations and throughout the synod
If you are interested in learning more about the Parish Ministry Education and Associate Program, please contact Susan Candea at scandea@css-elca.org or Dick Monson at monsonrb@gmail.com. Classes are offered in central Kansas through the Bethany House of Studies, at Bishop Kemper School of Ministry in Topeka, KS, and beginning June 23 in the St. Louis area.
Thank you to Atonement Lutheran Church, Overland Park, KS for hosting this year's PMA Convo, to Dr. Goodson for his presentations, and to the PMA Team, Dick Monson, Adam Wutka, Rhonda Templing, John Dumler, and Emily Gillula.
2018 PMA Convocation