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Campus Ministries

We are a church that is energized by lively engagement in our faith and life. The mission of campus ministry in the ELCA is to invite people in academic settings to engage more deeply with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the community that bears his name, so they may discover and fulfill their vocation as disciples.

Click on the links at below to learn more about the campus ministries supported by the Central States Synod in Kansas and Missouri.

KSU 2020 Established Logo.gif
Kansas State University

1810 Todd Rd.

Manhattan, KS 66502


Pr. Kevin Clark


Washington University & St. Louis University

7019 Forsyth Blvd.

University City, MO 63105


Pr. Tina Reyes

Westwood House (trans).png
University of Kansas

1421 W 19th St.

Lawrence, KS 66046



Lutheran Campus Ministry Network (LuMin) is a network of inclusive faith communities celebrating God’s love and grace on or near the campuses of over 230 colleges and universities across the United States. Find more information here

Refer a Student


You can use this referral tool to find a ministry near you. If you are looking for a school that is not listed, we will direct your referral to the nearest ELCA Lutheran church.

More Information


ELCA Lutheran Campus Ministry: view a list of campus ministries by state.


Lutheran Campus Ministry Network (LUMIN): a library of campus ministry resources (advocacy, best practices, publications, programs, worship, etc.) and to make an online donation.

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