Preparing for the Election as People of Faith
In the church, we hear the truth of the gospel which calls us to live together as God’s people. What we hear is. . .
that we are united with Christ. While there are certainly different perspectives and experiences, it is not about taking sides but embracing the reality that we are all God’s children.
an invitation to travel the way of Jesus. Jesus did not attack others. Yes, he was clear about the radical inclusion and welcome of all in God’s reign and challenged those systems, structures, and individuals who diminished and excluded God’s beloved, but he did it in a way that brought healing, forgiveness, transformation, and life.
this is God’s reign. Living in God’s reign is not about getting more, getting our way, or making sure we individually benefit, but participating in God’s reign of justice and radical love for the world.
What then is our call as people of faith given the reality of the partisan and divisive political campaigns surrounding us and the truth of God’s word embodied in Jesus? Do we ignore the rhetoric, withdraw, and keep our faith and “politics” separate? Or do we prepare for the election by traveling the way of Jesus, knowing that we are united with Christ and called to participate in God’s reign of justice?
Those are the questions we will address together as we prepare for and participate in the upcoming election as followers of Jesus. Leading up to the election, we will share reflections based upon Scripture and the ELCA Social Statement draft of Civic Life and Faith. We will invite people to pray, knowing that prayer opens our hearts and minds to listen to God and see the image of God in others. We will challenge one another to speak and share our perspectives in ways that enhance the conversation rather than tear down others.
Pray then in this way:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
(Matthew 6:9-10)
Responsibility and roles as pastors and preachers of the gospel in the upcoming election.
September 12
11:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 6562 7438
Passcode: 123874